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What is the name of your tool/platform/hardware you are presenting?


What is the URL of the tool/platform/hardware you are presenting?

Describe the primary function and technical capabilities of the tool. How does it contribute to building the Metaverse?

The platform allows users to interact with others with user-created 3D avatars and worlds.

What are the technical requirements to use this tool (e.g., hardware specifications, operating system compatibility)?

A virtual reality headset, such as the oculus for the authentic experience, but you can access VRChat without a headset through the desktop mode.

Provide examples or case studies of how this tool has been applied in real-world scenarios. How does it solve specific problems or enhance projects in VR, AR, or the metaverse?

People are able to interact with others that they normally can't see in real life. Also, companies have host remote company meetings in VRChat. VRChat solves meeting issues by eliminating the need to travel, meaning their is a greater sense of interconnectivity between individuals.

Is the tool open-source or proprietary? Discuss the implications of its software model on development and collaboration.

Proprietary. There is a dedicated development team, so there does not need to be reliance on individuals keeping the platform updated.

What is the business model of this tool and what are the implications? (ie freemium, subscription, one-time cost). Who do you think their target market or demographic is?

It is free to use, but there is a premium option which gives you more features.

Compare and contrast this tool with at least two similar tools or platforms. What are its strengths and weaknesses relative to its competitors?

Similar tools include Mozilla Hubs, which has the main difference of being open source, and another platform would be Horizon Worlds, which focuses on keeping stability, which slightly limits the players possibilities, while VRChat is okay with being a little unstable if it means players have more freedom.

Based on current trends and developments, where do you see this tool heading in the future? Consider upcoming features, potential use cases, or evolving technologies.

There are already a couple worlds that are convincingly real, and in the future, there could be a push for worlds that are a realistic one to one comparison to the real world for everyone to explore.

What was your experience in using the tool?

I met strangers and just had a fun time talking to them and telling funny stories.

Created by: Brian Martinez

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